§ 46.2-902.1. Officer may require certain motorists to furnish proof ofinsurance or payment of fee for registration of an uninsured motor vehicle;penalty.
Any law-enforcement officer present at the scene of a motor vehicle accidentas to which a law-enforcement officer is required by § 46.2-373 to file anaccident report with the Department may require the operator of any motorvehicle involved in such accident to furnish proof that the vehicle he wasoperating at the time of such accident was either (i) an insured motorvehicle as defined in § 46.2-705 or (ii) a vehicle for which the fee requiredby § 46.2-706 for registration of an uninsured vehicle had been paid as tothat vehicle. Failure to furnish proof of insurance or payment of theuninsured vehicle registration fee when required by a law-enforcement officeras provided in this section within thirty days shall constitute a Class 2misdemeanor.
(2002, c. 450.)