§ 46.2-908.1. Electric personal assistive mobility devices, electricallypowered toy vehicles, and electric power-assisted bicycles.
All electric personal assistive mobility devices, electrically powered toyvehicles, and electric power-assisted bicycles shall be equipped withspill-proof, sealed, or gelled electrolyte batteries. No person shall at anytime or at any location drive an electric personal assistive mobility device,or an electric power-assisted bicycle faster than twenty-five miles per hour.No person less than fourteen years old shall drive any electric personalassistive mobility device, motorized skateboard or scooter, or electricpower-assisted bicycle unless under the immediate supervision of a person whois at least eighteen years old.
An electric personal assistive mobility device or motorized skateboard orscooter may be operated on any highway with a maximum speed limit oftwenty-five miles per hour or less. An electric personal assistive mobilitydevice shall only operate on any highway authorized by this section if asidewalk is not provided along such highway or if operation of the electricpersonal assistive mobility device on such sidewalk is prohibited pursuant to§ 46.2-904. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the operation of anelectric personal assistive mobility device or motorized skateboard orscooter in the crosswalk of any highway where the use of such crosswalk isauthorized for pedestrians, bicycles, or electric power-assisted bicycles.
Operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices, electricallypowered toy vehicles, bicycles and electric power-assisted bicycles isprohibited on any Interstate Highway System component except as provided bythe section.
The Commonwealth Transportation Board may authorize the use of bicycles on anInterstate Highway System Component provided the operation is limited tobicycle or pedestrian facilities that are barrier separated from the roadwayand automobile traffic and such component meets all applicable safetyrequirements established by federal and state law.
(2001, c. 834; 2002, c. 254; 2006, cc. 529, 538; 2007, cc. 209, 366; 2009, c.795.)