§ 46.2-916.2. Designation of public highways for golf cart and utilityvehicle operations.
A. No portion of the public highways may be designated for use by golf cartsand utility vehicles unless the governing body of the county, city, or townin which that portion of the highway is located has reviewed and approvedsuch highway usage.
B. The governing body of any county, city or town may by ordinance authorizethe operation of golf carts and utility vehicles on designated publichighways within its boundaries after (i) considering the speed, volume, andcharacter of motor vehicle traffic using such highways, and (ii) determiningthat golf cart and utility vehicle operation on particular highways iscompatible with state and local transportation plans and consistent with theCommonwealth's Statewide Pedestrian Policy provided for in § 33.1-23.03:001.
C. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, no town that has notestablished its own police department, as defined in § 9.1-165, may authorizethe operation of golf carts or utility vehicles. The provision of thissubsection shall not apply to the Towns of Claremont, Irvington, or Saxis.
D. No public highway shall be designated for use by golf carts and utilityvehicles if such golf cart and utility vehicle operations will impede thesafe and efficient flow of motor vehicle traffic.
E. The county, city or town that has authorized the operation of golf cartsor utility vehicles shall be responsible for the installation and continuingmaintenance of any signs pertaining to the operation of golf carts or utilityvehicles. Such county, city or town may include in its ordinance fordesignating highways the ability to recover its costs of the signs andmaintenance pertaining thereto from organizations, individuals or entitiesrequesting the designations. The cost of installation and continuingmaintenance of any signs pertaining to the operation of golf carts or utilityvehicles shall not be paid by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
(2004, c. 746; 2006, c. 728; 2008, c. 196; 2009, cc. 68, 504.)