§ 46.2-920.1. Operation of tow trucks or vehicles owned or controlled by theVirginia Department of Transportation under certain circumstances.
When operating at or en route to or from the scene of a traffic accident orsimilar emergency and when specifically directed by a law-enforcement officerpresent at the scene of a motor vehicle crash or similar incident, tow truckoperators or vehicles owned or controlled by the Virginia Department ofTransportation may:
1. Operate on a highway in a direction opposite that otherwise permitted fortraffic;
2. Cross medians of divided highways;
3. Use cross-overs and turn-arounds otherwise reserved for use only byauthorized vehicles;
4. Drive on a portion of the highway other than the roadway;
5. Stop or stand on any portion of the highway; and
6. Operate in any other manner as directed by a law-enforcement officer atthe scene.
Nothing in this section, however, shall (i) immunize the driver of any suchvehicle from criminal prosecution for conduct constituting reckless disregardof the safety of persons and property or (ii) release the driver of any suchvehicle from any civil liability for failure to use reasonable care inoperations permitted in this section. However, drivers of vehicles owned oroperated by the Virginia Department of Transportation and employees of theCommonwealth of Virginia are immune for acts of simple negligence for claimsof civil liability arising from the operation of such vehicles pursuant tothis section.
(1990, c. 470; 2007, cc. 189, 918.)