§ 46.2-920.2. Operation of vehicles owned or controlled by the WildlifeCenter of Virginia.
When specifically requested by a law-enforcement agency to rescue oreuthanize injured wildlife, vehicles owned or controlled by the WildlifeCenter of Virginia may:
1. Cross medians of divided highways;
2. Use cross-overs and turn-arounds otherwise reserved for use only byauthorized vehicles;
3. Drive on a portion of the highway other than the roadway;
4. Stop or stand on any portion of the highway; and
5. Operate in any other manner as directed by a law-enforcement officer atthe scene.
Nothing in this section, however, shall (i) immunize the driver of anyvehicle owned or controlled by the Wildlife Center of Virginia from criminalprosecution for conduct constituting reckless disregard of the safety ofpersons and property or (ii) release the driver of any vehicle owned orcontrolled by the Wildlife Center of Virginia from any civil liability forfailure to use reasonable care in operations permitted in this section.
(2007, c. 139.)