§ 46.2-921.1. Drivers to yield right-of-way or reduce speed when approachingstationary emergency vehicles on highways; penalties.
A. The driver of any motor vehicle, upon approaching a stationary vehiclethat is displaying a flashing, blinking, or alternating blue, red, or amberlight or lights as provided in § 46.2-1022, 46.2-1023, or 46.2-1024 orsubdivision A 1 or A 2 of § 46.2-1025 shall (i) on a highway having at leastfour lanes, at least two of which are intended for traffic proceeding as theapproaching vehicle, proceed with caution and, if reasonable, with due regardfor safety and traffic conditions, yield the right-of-way by making a lanechange into a lane not adjacent to the stationary vehicle or (ii) if changinglanes would be unreasonable or unsafe, proceed with due caution and maintaina safe speed for highway conditions.
B. A violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable as atraffic infraction, except that a second or subsequent violation of anyprovision of this section, when such violation involved a vehicle withflashing, blinking, or alternating blue or red lights, shall be punishable asa Class 1 misdemeanor.
C. If the violation resulted in damage to property of another person, thecourt may, in addition, order the suspension of the driver's privilege tooperate a motor vehicle for not more than one year. If the violation resultedin injury to another person, the court may, in addition to any other penaltyimposed, order the suspension of the driver's privilege to operate a motorvehicle for not more than two years. If the violation resulted in the deathof another person, the court may, in addition to any other penalty imposed,order the suspension of the driver's privilege to operate a motor vehicle fortwo years.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply in highway work zones asdefined in § 46.2-878.1.
(2002, cc. 163, 341; 2008, c. 818; 2010, c. 289.)