§ 46.2-923. How and where pedestrians to cross highways.
When crossing highways, pedestrians shall not carelessly or maliciouslyinterfere with the orderly passage of vehicles. They shall cross, whereverpossible, only at intersections or marked crosswalks. Where intersectionscontain no marked crosswalks, pedestrians shall not be guilty of negligenceas a matter of law for crossing at any such intersection or betweenintersections when crossing by the most direct route.
The governing body of any town or city or the governing body of a countyauthorized by law to regulate traffic may by ordinance permit pedestrians tocross an intersection diagonally when all traffic entering the intersectionhas been halted by lights, other traffic control devices, or by alaw-enforcement officer.
(Code 1950, § 46-243; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-230; 1966, c. 706; 1976, c. 322;1981, c. 163; 1989, c. 727.)