§ 46.2-931. Localities may prohibit or regulate distribution of handbills,etc., solicitation of contributions, and sale of merchandise or services onhighways within their boundaries or on public roadways and medians.
A. Any county, city, or town is hereby authorized to adopt an ordinanceprohibiting or regulating:
1. The distribution of handbills, leaflets, bulletins, literature,advertisements, or similar material to the occupants of motor vehicles onhighways located within its boundaries or on public roadways and medians;
2. The solicitation of contributions of any nature from the occupants ofmotor vehicles on highways located within its boundaries or on publicroadways and medians; and
3. The sale of merchandise or services or the attempted sale of merchandiseor services to the occupants of motor vehicles on highways located within itsboundaries or on public roadways and medians.
B. Ordinances adopted pursuant to this section may provide that any personviolating the provisions of such ordinances shall be guilty of a trafficinfraction.
C. The Virginia Department of Transportation may regulate activities withinsuch streets and highways under its jurisdiction, subject to regulationspromulgated by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Nothing in this sectionshall be construed to allow any locality to permit activities within anyhighway under the maintenance and operational jurisdiction of the VirginiaDepartment of Transportation.
(1980, c. 113; 1989, c. 727; 2005, cc. 488, 541; 2008, cc. 120, 235, 310;2009, cc. 422, 656, 722; 2010, cc. 378, 589.)