§ 46.2-934. Failure to use cane or guide dog not contributory negligence.
Nothing contained in § 46.2-933 shall be construed to deprive any totally orpartially blind or otherwise incapacitated person not carrying such a cane orwalking stick or not being guided by a dog, of the rights and privilegesconferred by law upon pedestrians crossing highways. Nor shall the failureof such totally or partially blind or otherwise incapacitated person to carrya cane or walking stick, or to be guided by a guide dog on the highways orsidewalks of the Commonwealth, be held to constitute nor be evidence ofcontributory negligence.
(Code 1950, § 46-249.3; 1950, p. 1521; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-240; 1975, c.117; 1989, c. 727.)