§ 46.2-939. Authority of law-enforcement officers to issue subpoenas.
Local law-enforcement officers and state police officers, in the course oftheir duties in the investigation of any accident involving a motor vehicleor vehicles, may, at the scene of any such accident, issue a subpoena to anywitness to appear in court and testify with respect to any criminal chargebrought against any person as a result of such accident. State policeofficers, additionally, may issue such subpoenas at any other location withinseventy-two hours of the time of such accident, with the return of servicethereof made to the appropriate court clerk within forty-eight hours aftersuch service. A subpoena so issued shall have the same force and effect as ifissued by the court.
Any person failing to appear in response to a subpoena issued as provided inthis section shall be punished as provided by law.
(1975, c. 138, § 46.1-178.2; 1986, c. 40; 1989, c. 727.)