§ 46.2-940. When arresting officer shall take person before issuing authority.
If any person is: (i) believed by the arresting officer to have committed afelony; (ii) believed by the arresting officer to be likely to disregard asummons issued under § 46.2-936; or (iii) refuses to give a written promiseto appear under the provisions of § 46.2-936 or § 46.2-945, the arrestingofficer shall promptly take him before a magistrate or other issuingauthority having jurisdiction and proceed in accordance with the provisionsof § 19.2-82. The magistrate or other authority may issue either a summons orwarrant as he shall determine proper.
(Code 1950, § 46-194; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-179; 1966, c. 639; 1972, c. 474;1981, c. 382; 1989, c. 727; 2006, c. 276.)