§ 46.2-941. Conditions precedent to issuance of summons for violation ofparking ordinance; notice.
Before any summons shall be issued for the prosecution of a violation of anordinance of any county, city, or town regulating parking, the violator shallhave been first notified by mail at his last known address or at the addressshown for such violator on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles,that he may pay the fine provided by law for such violation, within five daysof receipt of such notice, and the authorized person issuing such summonsshall be notified that the violator has failed to pay such fine within suchtime. The notice to the violator, required by the provisions of this section,shall be contained in an envelope bearing the words "Law-EnforcementNotice" stamped or printed on the face thereof in all capital letters, boldface type, no smaller than the print type size used for the primary addresson the envelope. If "window" envelopes are used, the words"Law-Enforcement Notice" shall be clearly visible through the window of theenvelope.
(1968, c. 388, § 46.1-179.01; 1970, c. 510; 1978, c. 194; 1983, c. 329; 1989,c. 727; 1999, cc. 291, 323; 2002, c. 102.)