§ 47.1-8. Commission to be issued, etc.
Upon receipt of a completed application and the correct fee, the Secretary,if satisfied the applicant is qualified to be registered and commissioned asa notary public or electronic notary public, shall prepare a notarycommission for the applicant which shall include a registration number andforward the commission for a notary public or electronic notary public to theclerk of the circuit court in which the applicant shall elect to qualify. TheSecretary shall thereupon notify the applicant that the commission has beengranted and where and how it may be secured. An electronic notary public mayact as a notary public in all respects upon being commissioned as anelectronic notary public.
(Code 1950, § 47-2; 1962, p. 687; 1976, c. 559; 1979, c. 14; 1980, c. 580;2007, cc. 269, 590; 2008, cc. 117, 814.)