§ 47.1-22. Resignation; removal from Commonwealth; etc.
A. A notary may resign his commission by mailing or delivering to theSecretary a letter of resignation.
B. Any notary who ceases to be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginiashall, from that time, cease to be a notary; provided, however, that suchnotary may maintain his commission with the written consent of the Secretaryif he meets the qualifications for nonresident appointment under § 47.1-4.
C. Any nonresident notary who ceases to be employed in this Commonwealthshall forthwith cease to be a notary.
D. Every notary who wishes to resign from office, or who ceases to be anotary pursuant to subsections B or C of this section, shall forthwith mailor deliver his commission to the Secretary, who shall cancel the same. Thenotary shall be responsible for the destruction of the official physical seal.
E. Every electronic notary who wishes to resign his commission or who ceasesto be a notary pursuant to this section shall forthwith erase, delete, ordestroy the coding, disk, certificate, card, software, or password thatenables electronic affixation of the notary's official electronic signatureor seal and so certify to the Secretary.
F. A former electronic notary, whose previous commission or application wasnot revoked or denied, need not erase, delete, or destroy the coding, disk,certificate, card, software, or password that enables electronic affixationof the notary's official electronic signature or seal if he is recommissionedand reregistered as an electronic notary using the same electronic signatureand seal within three months after commission expiration.
(1980, c. 580; 2007, cc. 269, 590.)