§ 47.1-30. Conflict of interests.
No notary shall perform any notarial act with respect to any document,writing, or electronic document to which the notary or his spouse is a party,or in which either of them has a direct beneficial interest. A notarynominated as a fiduciary in a will shall not, for that reason alone, bedeemed a party to the will or to have a direct beneficial interest therein.
Any notary who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty ofofficial misconduct.
A notarial act performed in violation of this section shall not automaticallybe void for such reason, but shall be voidable in the discretion of any courtof competent jurisdiction upon the motion of any person injured thereby.
(1980, c. 580; 1992, c. 194; 2007, cc. 269, 590.)