§ 49-4. Magistrates and other officers who may administer oaths and takeaffidavits.
Any oath or affidavit required by law, which is not of such nature that itmust be made in court, may be administered by a magistrate, a notary, acommissioner in chancery, a commissioner appointed by the Governor, a judgeor clerk or deputy clerk of a court, a commissioner or clerk or deputy clerkof the State Corporation Commission, or clerks of governing bodies of localgovernments. In case of a survey directed by a court in a cause thereinpending, an oath or affidavit may be administered by or before the surveyordirected to execute the order of survey.
(Code 1919, § 274; 1932, p. 339; 1968, c. 639; 1970, c. 783; 1986, c. 255.)