§ 5.1-2.14. Contracts, leases, and other arrangements.
A. In connection with the operation of an airport or air navigation facilityowned or controlled by the Board, the Board may enter into contracts, leases,and other arrangements with any person or persons (i) granting the privilegeof using or improving the airport or air navigation facility or any portionor facility thereof or space therein consistent with the purposes of thischapter; (ii) conferring the privileges of supplying goods, commodities,things, services, or facilities at the airport or air navigation facility;and (iii) making available services to be furnished by the Board or itsagents at the airport or air navigation facility.
In each case the Board may establish the terms and conditions and fix thecharges, rentals, or fee for the privilege or service, which shall bereasonable and uniform for the same class of privilege or service at eachairport and shall be established with due regard to the property andimprovements used and the expenses of operation to the Board; provided thatin no case shall the public be deprived of its rightful, equal, and uniformuse of the airport, air navigation facility, or portion of facility thereof.
B. Except as may be limited by the terms and conditions of any grant, loan,or agreement authorized by § 5.1-2.16, the Board may by contract, lease, orother arrangements, upon a consideration fixed by it, grant to any qualifiedperson, for a term not to exceed thirty years, the privilege of operating, asagent of the Board or otherwise, any airport owned or controlled by theBoard; provided that no person shall be granted any authority to operate anairport other than as a public airport or to enter into any contracts,leases, or other arrangements in connection with the operation of the airportwhich the Board might not have undertaken under subsection A of this section.
(1980, c. 750.)