§ 5.1-2.2. Powers and duties of Board.
The Board shall exercise the following powers and duties:
1. Provide a means of citizen access to the Department;
2. Provide a means of publicizing the policies and programs of the Departmentin order to educate the public and elicit public support for Departmentactivities;
3. Monitor the policies and activities of the Department and have the rightof access to departmental information;
4. Advise the Governor and the Director on matters relating to theCommonwealth's aviation policies and programs;
5. Promulgate such rules and regulations relating to airports, landing fieldsand other aviation facilities, aircraft, air traffic, construction andinspection of aircraft, qualifications and licensing of airmen, stunt flying,and such other kindred matters and things as may be proper and necessary topromote and develop safe aviation practices and operations; and
6. Develop on behalf of the Department recommendations for distribution offunds to localities by the State Corporation Commission for aviationdevelopment through the end of the 1978-80 biennium, after which time theBoard shall be responsible for the allocation on behalf of the Department ofall such funds as provided in this act, which funds shall be distributed bythe Department in accordance with such allocation.
(1979, c. 272; 1980, c. 306; 1984, c. 720.)