§ 5.1-2.6. Disposal of airport, air navigation facility or other property.
Except as may be limited by the terms and conditions of any grant, loan oragreement authorized by § 5.1-2.16 the Board may, by sale, lease, orotherwise, dispose of any airport, air navigation facility, or otherproperty, or portion thereof or interest therein, acquired pursuant to thischapter. Such disposal by sale, lease, or otherwise, shall be in accordancewith the laws of this Commonwealth governing the disposition of other publicproperty, except that in the case of disposal to another authority, amunicipality or an agency of the Commonwealth or federal government for useand operation as a public airport, the sale, lease, or other disposal may beeffected in such manner and upon such terms as the commissioners of the Boardmay deem in the best interest of aviation.
(1980, c. 750.)