§ 5.1-5. Licensing of aircraft.
(a) Every resident of this Commonwealth owning a civil aircraft, everynonresident owning a civil aircraft based in this Commonwealth over sixtydays during any twelve-month period and every owner of an aerial applicationaircraft operating within this Commonwealth or of a civil aircraft operatedin this Commonwealth as a for-hire intrastate air carrier shall, before thesame is operated in this Commonwealth, obtain from the Department an aircraftlicense for such aircraft.
(b) The Department shall provide for the issuance, expiration, suspension andrevocation of licenses of aircraft in accordance with regulations promulgatedby the Board. The Department shall furnish any necessary forms pursuant tothe issuance of such licenses, and may assess a fee for such issuance not inexcess of five dollars annually. The Department may in lieu of issuingaircraft licenses required by subsection (a) of this section, issuecommercial aircraft licenses to air carriers and commercial dealers, andissue to noncommercial dealers noncommercial dealer fleet licenses, to coverall aircraft owned by such dealers and all aircraft for sale held by dealerson a consignment basis from an aircraft manufacturer. The Department mayassess a fee not in excess of $50 annually for any such noncommercial dealerfleet licenses issued and a fee not in excess of $100 annually for any suchcommercial fleet licenses issued. The fee for a commercial single aircraftlicense shall not be in excess of ten dollars annually.
(Code 1950, § 5-5; 1966, c. 576; 1970, c. 717; 1974, c. 431; 1979, c. 272;1980, c. 721.)