§ 5.1-34. Acquisition of property; exercise of right of eminent domain.
Private property needed by any city, incorporated town or county for anairport or landing field shall be acquired by purchase, if the city, town orcounty is able to agree with the owners on the terms thereof. The cities,incorporated towns or counties are hereby granted full power to exercise theright of eminent domain in the acquisition of any lands, easements andprivileges that are necessary for airport and landing field purposes.Proceedings for the acquisition of such lands, easements and privileges bycondemnation may be instituted and conducted in the name of such county, cityor town, and the procedure shall be mutatis mutandis the same as in theacquisition of land by condemnation proceedings instituted by railroads andmay acquire in like manner, for a term of years or perpetually, the right ofeasement to remove and control the growth of any tree or vegetation standingor growing in said land outside the boundaries of any airport or landingfield and the right of easement to place and maintain suitable signs ormarkers or lights to adequately locate and mark objects or structures thatare hazardous to aircraft using such airports or landing fields, of ingressand egress to and from such airport hazards for the purpose of maintainingand repairing such signs, markers and lights and cutting of trees or othergrowing vegetation penetrating the approach and departure slope easement. Theright of condemnation granted herein shall be subject to the same provisionsas are provided in § 25.1-102 concerning the condemnation of propertybelonging to a corporation possessing the power of eminent domain by anotherpublic service corporation.
(Code 1950, §§ 5-23, 5-31; 1966, c. 576; 2003, c. 940.)