§ 5.1-36. Agreement for joint exercise of powers; governing board, etc., toact on behalf of political subdivisions; powers of board, etc.
The agreement provided for in § 5.1-35 may provide for the creation of agoverning board, commission, authority or body empowered to have andexercise, on behalf of the several political subdivisions which are partiesto such agreement, the powers, rights and authority conferred on suchpolitical subdivisions by this article. Members of the governing bodies ofthe several political subdivisions may serve as a member of a board,commission, authority or body formed pursuant to § 5.1-35. Such agreementshall specify the name of the board, commission, authority or body and itscomposition and prescribe its powers and duties which may include powers toestablish, construct, manage, and operate an airport, acquire, hold anddispose of property but on behalf of the several political subdivisions,including the exercise on their behalf of the power of eminent domain. If anysuch board, commission, authority or body is created, all proceedings inconnection with the establishment, construction, management and operation ofthe airport, including application for and issuance of any license requiredtherefor, shall be in its name. The intent of § 5.1-35 and this section isthat any such board, commission, authority or body established by two or morepolitical subdivisions or through action of the General Assembly may have thesame powers granted to a city, town and county but in no case will suchpowers be greater than those granted to a city, town or county. Any jointairport authority created pursuant to this chapter and in existence on July1, 1994, shall be continued in lawful existence under the terms andprovisions of this chapter even though all the political subdivisions exceptone withdraw from the joint airport authority.
(Code 1950, § 5-24.1; 1958, c. 523; 1966, c. 576; 1970, c. 717; 1993, c. 81;1995, c. 453.)