§ 5.1-41. Operation by local governing body or special officer or board.
The governing body, or other proper authority, of a county, city, or townwhich has established an airport or landing field and acquired, leased, orset apart property for such purpose, may construct, improve, equip, maintainand operate the same, or may vest jurisdiction for the construction,improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation thereof in any suitableofficer, board or body of such county, city, or town. A member of thegoverning body of any such county, city, or town may also serve as a memberof any board or body established to manage an airport or landing field. Nosuch city, town or county, however, shall operate an airport without firstobtaining the permission of the Board as now or hereafter provided by law.In addition to other powers conferred by this section, any such governingbody or other authority of a county, city, or town shall have the power toseek and obtain loans for the purpose of capital improvements to any airportor landing field established pursuant to this article.
(Code 1950, § 5-34; 1966, c. 576; 1979, c. 272; 1989, c. 234; 1993, c. 81.)