§ 5.1-52. Expenditure for planning, construction and maintenance of airportsand landing fields.
Such special fund shall be expended and disbursed by order of the Department,through the medium of warrants drawn by the Comptroller, for the reasonableand necessary costs of administration of the Department and for the planning,construction, maintenance and improvement of airports and landing fields, towhich the public now has, or which it is proposed shall have, access, and forthe promotion of aviation in the interest of operators generally. Suchexpenditures and disbursements may be in the form of grants or loans to suchperson or persons as may be, in the discretion of the Board, entitled theretoin the interest of the public. Such grants or loans shall be made under suchterms and conditions, as may be fixed by the Board and, in the case of loans,the rate of interest and the terms of repayment thereof as may be fixed bythe Board.
In considering or evaluating the application for or award of any grant ofmoneys under this section, the Board shall take into account the capacitiesof all airports within the affected geographic region.
(Code 1950, § 5-43; 1966, c. 576; 1970, c. 717; 1979, c. 272; 1998, c. 480.)