§ 5.1-125. Complaints; action of Commission thereon or on own initiative.
Any person, state board, organization, or body politic may make complaint inwriting to the Commission that any rate, fare, charge, classification, rule,regulation, or practice of any common carrier or restricted common carrier byaircraft, in effect or proposed to be put into effect, is or will be inviolation of §§ 5.1-121 to 5.1-124, or § 5.1-133. Whenever after hearing,upon complaint or in an investigation on its own initiative, the Commissionshall be of the opinion that any individual or joint rate, fare, or charge,demanded, charged, or collected by any common carrier or restricted commoncarrier by aircraft or by any common or restricted common carrier by aircraftin conjunction with any common carrier by railroad, motor vehicle, expressand/or water, or any classification, rule, regulation or practice whatsoeverof such carrier affecting such rate, fare, or charge or the value of theservice thereunder, is or will be unjust or unreasonable or unjustlydiscriminatory or unduly preferential or unduly prejudicial, it shalldetermine and prescribe the lawful rate, fare, or charge or the maximum orminimum rate, fare, or charge thereafter to be observed, or the lawfulclassification, rule, regulation, or practice thereafter to be made effective.
(Code 1950, § 56-180; 1970, c. 708; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1.)