§ 5.1-136. Free passes or reduced rates.
No air carrier subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, directly orindirectly, issue or give any free ticket, free pass or free transportationfor passengers, but nothing in this section shall apply (1) to the carriage,storage or handling of property free or at reduced rates, when such rateshave been authorized or prescribed by the Commission for the United States,state or municipal governments, or for charitable purposes or to or fromfairs and expositions for exhibition thereat, or (2) to the free carriage ofhomeless and destitute persons and the necessary agents employed in suchtransportation, or (3) to mileage, excursion or commutation passenger tickets.
Nor shall anything in this section be construed to prohibit any air carrierfrom giving reduced rates or free passage to ministers of religion, orregular traveling secretaries of the Young Men's Christian Association orYoung Women's Christian Association, whose duties require regular travel insupervising and directing Young Men's Christian or Young Women's ChristianAssociation work, secretaries of duly organized religious work, or toindigent persons, or to inmates of the Confederate homes or State homes fordisabled soldiers and sailors, or to disabled soldiers and sailors, includingthose about to enter, and those returning home after discharge; nor fromgiving free carriage to its own officers, employees, and members of theirfamilies, representatives of the press and members of the Department of StatePolice or to any other person or persons to whom the giving of such freecarriage is not otherwise prohibited by the law; nor to prevent the principalofficers of any air carrier from exchanging passes or tickets with other aircarriers of any air, motor vehicle, steamship, or electric railway companiesfor their officers, employees and members of their families.
(Code 1950, § 56-191; 1970, c. 708; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 17.)