§ 5.1-137. Payment of rates and charges before delivery of freight.
No common carrier or restricted common carrier by aircraft shall deliver orrelinquish possession at destination of any freight transported by it untilall tariff rates and charges thereon have been paid, except under such rulesand regulations as the Commission may from time to time prescribe to governthe settlement of all such rates and charges, including rules and regulationsfor weekly or monthly settlement, and to prevent unjust discrimination orundue preference or prejudice; provided, that the provisions of this sectionshall not be construed to prohibit any such carrier from extending credit inconnection with rates and charges on freight transported for the UnitedStates, for any department, bureau, or agency thereof, or for any state orterritory or political subdivision thereof, or for the District of Columbia.
(Code 1950, § 56-192; 1970, c. 708.)