§ 5.1-139. Commission may enter judgment for refunds due public and collectand distribute same.
If any air carrier or broker, upon the final decision of an appeal from theaction of the Commission prescribing rates, charges, or classification oftraffic, confirming or modifying the action of the Commission, shall fail torefund in the manner and within the time prescribed in the notice of theCommission all amounts which the appealing air carrier or broker may havecollected pending the appeal, in excess of that authorized by such finaldecision, upon notice to such air carrier or broker by the Commission of suchfinal decision, then the Commission, after thirty days' notice to any suchair carrier or broker, may, unless the amount required by such order be paidto the clerk of the Commission, render and enter judgment in the name of theCommonwealth, for the use of the persons, firms and corporations entitled tothe same, against any such air carrier or broker for the aggregate amount ofsuch collections and for the costs, and may enforce the amount of suchjudgment and costs by process of execution, as hereinbefore provided as tothe enforcement of the judgments of the Commission. The Commission shall,upon the collection of such judgment, forthwith distribute the amountthereof, through its clerk, among the parties entitled thereto, respectively,in such manner as it may by its rules or orders prescribe, and shall, uponthe payment or collection of any such judgment enter the same satisfied uponits records, and have the same satisfied on the judgment lien docket of thecourt of any city or county where the same may have been docketed, and thesatisfaction of any such judgment shall be a bar to any further action orrecovery against any such air carrier or broker to the extent of suchrecovery.
(Code 1950, § 56-194; 1970, c. 708.)