§ 5.1-90. Exempted aircraft.
This chapter shall not be construed to cover or include aircraft usedexclusively in transporting or handling United States mail, or aircraft whileused exclusively in interstate commerce; provided, however, that any commoncarrier of passengers by airplane holding proper authority for and operatingin interstate commerce on January 1, 1970, in the transportation ofpassengers between any licensed airport adjacent to or within three miles ofthe Virginia State Line on the one hand and any other licensed airport inVirginia on the other, shall, without further proceedings, be issued acertificate by the Commission authorizing such operations as a common carrierof passengers by aircraft in intrastate commerce if application is made tothe Commission within 120 days after this section takes effect. Pending thedetermination of any such application, the continuance of such operationwithout a certificate shall be lawful.
(Code 1950, § 56-143; 1952, c. 597; 1970, c. 708.)