§ 51.1-124.23. Medical boards.
A. The Board may create one or more medical boards composed of physicians orother health care professionals who are not eligible to participate in theRetirement System. Members of the medical boards created pursuant to thissection shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. A medical board createdpursuant to this section may appoint physicians or other health professionalsto supplement the medical board membership as necessary to render medicaldecisions involving specific medical specialties or to serve as substituteswhen members of such medical board cannot serve in their official capacity.Any such appointments made by the medical board shall be immediatelycommunicated to the Board or its designee.
B. The duties of a medical board created pursuant to this section shallinclude:
1. Reviewing all reports of medical examinations required by this chapter.
2. Investigating all essential health and medical statements and certificatesfiled in connection with disability retirement.
3. Submitting to the Board a written report of its conclusions andrecommendations on all matters referred to it.
C. A medical board created pursuant to this section, its substitutes, and itsemployees shall not be held personally liable for conclusions, advice, orrecommendations made in accordance with the duties of such medical boardunder the provisions of this title.
D. The Board is authorized to delegate or assign to any person the authorityto appoint medical board membership.
(1952, c. 157, § 51-111.26; 1980, cc. 680, 728; 1984, c. 430; 1990, c. 832, §51.1-112; 1994, cc. 4, 85; 1997, c. 78; 2001, c. 39.)