§ 51.1-155.1. Exceptions from general early retirement provisions for certainstate employees.
A. Members of the retirement system (i) whose positions are described bysubdivision 1 (except members of the Judicial Retirement System (§ 51.1-300et seq.)), 2 (except members of the Judicial Retirement System (§ 51.1-300 etseq.)), 3, 4 (except officers elected by popular vote), 7, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, or 20 of § 2.2-2905; (ii) who are agency heads appointed by a stateboard, state commission, or state council; or (iii) who are school divisionsuperintendents appointed by a school board pursuant to § 22.1-60, and (a)who are involuntarily separated from state service and (b) who have 20 ormore years of creditable service at the date of separation, may retire withthe retirement allowance as provided in subdivision A 1 of § 51.1-155, uponattaining age 50.
B. Any member of the retirement system who (i) serves as chief executiveofficer of an interstate commission pursuant to Virginia's participation insuch commission; (ii) is involuntarily separated from service; and (iii) has20 or more years of creditable service at the date of separation, may retirewithout the reduction in retirement allowance required by § 51.1-155 A 2 uponattaining age 50.
C. For the purposes of this section, "involuntary separation" means anydismissal, requested resignation, or failure to obtain reappointment, exceptin case of a conviction for a felony or crime involving moral turpitude ordishonesty.
D. Any state employee who retires under the provisions of this section on orafter January 1, 1994, shall be eligible to participate in the state healthinsurance program as provided in § 2.2-2818 and receive group life insurancebenefits as provided in § 51.1-505.
(1994, c. 785; 1995, cc. 152, 692, 721, 811; 1996, cc. 662, 924; 1997, c.711; 1998, c. 746; 2000, c. 911; 2003, c. 220.)