§ 51.1-1132. Health insurance coverage during disability absences.
A. Participating employees enrolled in a health insurance plan establishedpursuant to § 2.2-2818 shall continue to be covered during periods ofshort-term disability and shall have the option of continuing to be coveredby such plan during periods of absence covered by long-term disabilitybenefits.
B. The Commonwealth shall pay the employer's share of the cost of healthinsurance coverage under such plan for participating employees and for thefamilies or dependents of such employees during periods the employee isreceiving short-term disability benefits to the same extent as for otherstate employees covered by such plan.
C. Participating employees enrolled in such plan established pursuant to §2.2-2818 shall have the option of continuing to be covered under such plan,and shall pay the full cost for coverage under such plan for themselves andfor their families and dependents during periods the employee is receivinglong-term disability benefits. However, for an employee as defined in §51.1-201 who is receiving long-term disability benefits for a work-relateddisability pursuant to Article 4 (§ 51.1-1119 et seq.) of Chapter 11, theCommonwealth shall continue to pay the employer's share of the cost of healthinsurance coverage under such plan for the participating employee and for hisfamily and dependents until such time as the employee is approved forcontinued health insurance coverage as provided under Chapter 4 (§ 9.1-400 etseq.) of Title 9.1.
(1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2007, c. 90.)