§ 51.1-1201. Volunteer Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Service AwardFund Board.
A. The Volunteer Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Service Award FundBoard is hereby created and is to be composed of 10 members. The Director ofthe Virginia Retirement System shall be a member and act as chairman. TheGovernor shall appoint three members of the Board from a list provided by theVirginia State Firefighter's Association and three members from a listprovided by the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. Suchappointees shall be confirmed by the General Assembly and shall serve forsix-year terms. No Board member appointed by the Governor shall serve morethan two full consecutive terms. The Speaker of the House of Delegates shallappoint two members of the House of Delegates and the Senate Committee onRules shall appoint one member of the Senate. Legislative members shall serveterms coincident with their terms of office.
B. The Director of the Virginia Retirement System with the consent of theBoard shall immediately declare the office of any nonlegislative member ofthe Board vacant when he finds that the member is unable to perform theduties of his office or for any reason does not meet the qualifications ofthis section. The Governor shall appoint a new member, subject toconfirmation by the General Assembly, to serve for a full or unexpired termwhenever the office of a nonlegislative member becomes or is declared vacant.In any case where a new appointment is made, the person receiving theappointment shall be a (i) volunteer firefighter representative if hispredecessor was a volunteer firefighter representative or (ii) volunteerrescue squad representative if his predecessor was a volunteer rescue squadrepresentative.
C. The members of the Board shall serve without compensation; however, thenongovernmental members may be reimbursed for their reasonable expensesincurred in attending meetings of the Board or in acting in an officialcapacity for the Board.
D. The first Board appointed shall meet as soon as practicable for thepurpose of organizing and electing officers. Officers other than the chairmanshall be elected for one-year terms. The Board shall adopt a generalstatement of policy and procedures. The Board shall meet at least quarterlyand at such special meetings as the chairman may call. The chairman may calla special meeting at any time and shall call a special meeting when requestedby three or more members of the Board. No meeting shall be deemed a regularor special meeting unless a quorum is present.
E. Members of the Board shall be subject to removal from office only as setforth in Article 7 (§ 24.2-230 et seq.) of Chapter 2 of Title 24.2. TheCircuit Court of the City of Richmond shall have exclusive jurisdiction oversuch removal proceedings.
(1999, cc. 664, 860; 2000, c. 911; 2001, c. 672; 2006, c. 707.)