§ 51.1-203. Creditable service.
A. Service qualifying for credit under the provisions of the VirginiaRetirement System shall be included as creditable service for the purposes ofthis chapter, provided the requirements set forth in Chapter 1 (§ 51.1-124.1et seq.) of this title for crediting service have been complied with and anypayment required is credited in the member's contribution account.
B. If a member ceases to be employed as a state police officer, has notreceived a refund of the accumulated contributions credited to his member'scontribution account, and accepts employment in a position covered by theVirginia Retirement System or the Judicial Retirement System, he shall beentitled to credit for his previous creditable service under this chapter.His accumulated contributions shall be transferred and credited to hismember's contribution account in the appropriate retirement system. Futureretirement rights shall be as set forth under the provisions of theappropriate retirement system.
(Code 1950, §§ 51-131, 51-133, 51-134, 51-146; 1950, p. 884; 1954, c. 139;1956, c. 562; 1960, c. 559; 1962, c. 585; 1966, c. 628; 1968, c. 648; 1970,c. 657; 1974, c. 353; 1976, c. 540, § 51-111.41:4; 1977, c. 620; 1978, c.841; 1980, c. 89; 1982, c. 467; 1984, c. 430; 1986, c. 474; 1988, c. 809;1990, c. 832; 2001, cc. 686, 697.)