§ 51.1-301. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Appointing authority" means the General Assembly or the Governor.
"Creditable service" means prior service plus membership service, asfurther defined in and modified by § 51.1-303, for which credit is allowableunder this chapter.
"Judge" means any justice or judge of a court of record of theCommonwealth, any member of the State Corporation Commission or VirginiaWorkers' Compensation Commission, any judge of a district court of theCommonwealth other than a substitute judge of such district court, and anyexecutive secretary of the Supreme Court assuming such position betweenDecember 1, 1975, and January 31, 1976.
"Normal retirement date" means a member's sixty-fifth birthday.
"Previous systems" means the systems established under the provisions ofChapters 2 (§ 51-3 et seq.) and 2.2 (§ 51-29.8 et seq.) of Title 51, and, inthe case of judges of regional juvenile and domestic relations courts, theVirginia Retirement System.
"Primary social security benefit" means, with respect to any member, theprimary insurance amount to which the member is entitled, for old age ordisability, as the case may be, pursuant to the federal Social Security Actas in effect at his date of retirement, under the provisions of this chapterexcept as otherwise specifically provided.
"Retirement system" means the Judicial Retirement System.
"Service" means service as a judge.
(1970, c. 779, § 51-161; 1972, cc. 568, 708; 1973, cc. 523, 546; 1974, cc.353, 484; 1975, c. 597; 1976, cc. 374, 678; 1978, c. 841; 1984, c. 430; 1990,c. 832; 1993, c. 895; 2010, cc. 737, 738.)