§ 51.1-610. Local cash match plans.
A. Any county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision of theCommonwealth may by ordinance or resolution adopt and establish for itselfand its employees a cash match plan. Any such cash match plan may includeconstitutional officers and their employees. The ordinance or resolutionadopting or establishing such plan shall create or designate an appropriateboard or officer to administer the plan, and shall confer upon such board orofficer the authority to do all things by way of supervision, administration,and implementation of the plan, including the power to contract with privatecorporations or institutions for services in connection therewith.
B. If it deems it advisable, any county, municipality, authority, or otherpolitical subdivision of the Commonwealth, which by ordinance or resolutionadopts and establishes for itself and its employees a cash match plan, maycreate a trust or other special fund for the segregation of the funds orassets resulting from contributions.
(2002, c. 311.)