§ 51.5-12.3. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Advisory Board established;membership; terms; duties and responsibilities.
A. For the purpose of administering, in coordination with the Commissioner ofRehabilitative Services, the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund,there is hereby established the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative AdvisoryBoard, hereinafter referred to as the Advisory Board. Organizational staffsupport shall be provided to the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative AdvisoryBoard by the Department of Rehabilitative Services.
The Advisory Board shall consist of seven members as follows: one personlicensed to practice medicine in Virginia experienced with brain or spinalcord injury; one person licensed by a health regulatory board within theDepartment of Health Professions with experience in brain or spinal cordinjury rehabilitative programs or services; one Virginian with traumaticspinal cord injury or a caretaker thereof; one Virginian with traumatic braininjury or a caretaker thereof; one citizen-at-large who shall not be anelected or appointed public official; the Commissioner of RehabilitativeServices; and the State Health Commissioner. The Commissioner ofRehabilitative Services and the Commissioner of Health may appoint designeesto serve on the Advisory Board. Board members shall be appointed by theGovernor. Nominations for appointments may be submitted, at the discretion ofthe Governor, from relevant organizations.
B. All members shall be appointed by the Governor for terms of four years. Nomember shall serve more than two successive terms of four years. The chairmanshall be elected from the membership of the Advisory Board for a term of oneyear and shall be eligible for reelection. The Advisory Board shall meet atthe call of the chairman or the Commissioner.
C. The Advisory Board shall:
1. Administer, in cooperation with the Commissioner of RehabilitativeServices, the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund, in accordancewith such regulations as shall be established for the Fund by theCommissioner;
2. Recommend to the Commissioner of Rehabilitative Services the policies andprocedures for the administration of the Fund, including criteria forreviewing and ranking grant applications, distribution of funds, and areas ofresearch need in accordance with the provisions of subsection B of §51.5-12.2;
3. Review and rank or arrange for reviewers and technical advisers to reviewand rank grant applications for education, basic science and clinicalresearch, and rehabilitative research and community-based rehabilitativeservices;
4. Report triennially on October 1, to the Governor and the General Assembly,aggregate data on the operations and funding of the Commonwealth NeurotraumaInitiative Trust Fund.
D. The Advisory Board may appoint grant reviewers and other technicaladvisers to assist it in its duties. Such reviewers and technical advisersshall be appointed in such manner as to provide equal representation fromVirginia's three medical schools. Whenever reviewers or technical adviserssit as a committee, the chairman of the Advisory Board or his designee shallserve as chairman.
(2002, c. 60; 2008, c. 40.)