§ 51.5-10. Gifts and donations.
The Department is authorized to receive such gifts and donations, either frompublic or private sources, as may be offered unconditionally or under suchconditions related to the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities as inthe judgment of the Department are proper and consistent with this title. Allmoneys received as gifts or donations shall be deposited in the statetreasury; shall constitute a permanent fund to be called the special fund forthe rehabilitation of persons with disabilities; and shall be used by theDepartment to defray the expenses of rehabilitation and other services,including independent living services and advocacy services, andconstructing, equipping and operating necessary rehabilitation facilities.Such moneys may also be used in matching federal grants for the foregoingpurposes. A full report of all gifts and donations offered and accepted, thenames of the donors, the respective amounts contributed by each donor, andall disbursements of such gifts and donations shall be submitted annually tothe Governor by the Department.
(Code 1950, §§ 2.1-586, 22-239, 22-330.11; 1964, c. 276; 1970, c. 213; 1978,c. 635; 1980, c. 559; 1984, c. 734; 1985, c. 421, § 51.01-10.)