§ 51.5-10.1. Donation of equipment.
The Department shall retain title to items of nonexpendable equipmentpurchased by the Department for individuals or groups of individuals, inaccordance with this title and the federal Rehabilitation Act, while suchequipment has an undepreciated monetary value. Once the equipment reaches adepreciated value of zero, the Department may donate the equipment to theindividual or group of individuals then authorized to use it by theDepartment. The donation shall be consistent with the public purpose ofpromoting the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The Department, inconcert with the Department of Accounts, shall establish criteria fordepreciation of such equipment in accordance with generally acceptedaccounting principles and maintain depreciation records. The Department shallreport a donation pursuant to this section to the Division of Purchases andSupply and to the Auditor of Public Accounts. Nothing in this section shallbe construed to excuse the Department from complying with § 2.2-1124 exceptfor equipment donated pursuant to this section.
(1986, c. 436, § 51.01-10.1.)