§ 51.5-12. Authority of Department concerning environmental barriers.
A. The Department shall promote cooperation in the efforts of public and,when requested, private agencies to prevent or eliminate environmentalbarriers which infringe upon the rights of persons with disabilities underthis title or otherwise prevent persons with disabilities from leadingnormal, productive lives. For the purposes of this section, "environmentalbarrier" means any things, conditions or influences that restrain orobstruct a person with a disability in his efforts to live a normal,productive life.
B. To carry out the purposes of this section the Department shall:
1. Make surveys of the nature and extent of environmental barriers and issuereports thereon;
2. Provide information to the public concerning standards for the preventionand elimination of barriers and serve as liaison for groups of persons withdisabilities in this field;
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Statewide Building Code, the provisionsof this chapter, and other state laws and policies in removing environmentalbarriers; and
4. Coordinate its activities concerning state buildings with the Division ofEngineering and Buildings, and coordinate its activities concerning otherbuildings with the Department of Housing and Community Development.
C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the Department torequire building modifications not required by the applicable building code.
(Code 1950, §§ 2.1-582, 22-330.6:1; 1977, c. 534; 1978, c. 635; 1980, c. 559;1985, c. 421, § 51.01-12.)