§ 51.5-23. Awarding of grants; purposes; eligible applicants.
A. The Department is authorized, subject to other requirements of this law,to make grants or enter into contracts, in accordance with rules andregulations of the Commissioner, for the following purposes:
1. To promote a philosophy of independent living, including a philosophy ofconsumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access,and individual and system advocacy, in order to maximize the leadership,empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals with disabilitiesand the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities intothe mainstream of society by:
a. Providing financial assistance for expanding and improving the provisionof independent living services;
b. Providing financial assistance to develop and support a statewide networkof centers for independent living;
2. To provide personal care assistance to persons with significantdisabilities; and
3. To assist employers in employing, training, and providing other relatedservices to persons with significant disabilities.
B. Applications for the grants and contracts authorized in subdivision A 1may be made by eligible agencies. Applicants will be eligible if they are aconsumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, nonresidential,private nonprofit agency that (i) is designed and operated within a localcommunity by individuals with disabilities, and (ii) provides an array ofindependent living services. Each applicant shall be established for the solepurpose of operating the center for independent living. Each applicant shallestablish a governing board, the majority of whose members shall be personswith disabilities, for the sole purpose of operating the independent livingcenter.
C. Applications for the grants and contracts authorized in subdivision A 2may be made by persons with significant disabilities for the provision ofpersonal care assistance.
D. Applications for the grants and contracts authorized in subdivision A 3may be made by employers in the Commonwealth who wish to take affirmativesteps to employ and advance in employment persons with disabilities.
E. [Repealed.]
(1985, c. 421, § 51.01-23; 1992, c. 755; 2003, c. 503.)