§ 51.5-31. Board created.
There shall be a Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, responsible tothe Secretary of Health and Human Resources. The Board shall be composed of40 members, to include the head or a person designated by the head of theDepartment for the Aging, Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing,Department of Education, Department of Medical Assistance Services,Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department ofRehabilitative Services, and the Department for the Blind and VisionImpaired; one representative of the protection and advocacy agency; onerepresentative of the university-affiliated facility; one representativeeach, to be appointed by the Governor, of a local governmental agency, amanufacturing or a retailing industry, a high-technology industry, a publictransit interest, and a nongovernmental agency or group of agencies thatprovide services for persons with developmental disabilities; a bankingexecutive; one person with disabilities other than developmentaldisabilities; and 24 persons with developmental disabilities or the parentsor guardians of such persons. Of the last 24 persons, at least eight shall bepersons with developmental disabilities; at least eight shall be immediaterelatives or guardians of persons with mentally impairing developmentaldisabilities; and at least one person shall be an immediate relative orguardian of an institutionalized person with a developmental disability.
Each member appointed by the Governor shall be appointed for a four-yearterm, except that of the members appointed in 1989, eight shall be appointedfor a term of four years, eight shall be appointed for a term of three years,eight shall be appointed for a term of two years, and seven shall beappointed for a term of one year. Members so appointed shall be subject toremoval at the pleasure of the Governor. Any vacancy other than by expirationof a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. No person appointed by theGovernor shall serve for more than two successive terms.
The Board shall elect its chairman.
(1985, c. 421, § 51.01-31; 1989, c. 133; 1990, c. 458; 1992, c. 627; 2001,cc. 526, 546; 2003, c. 501; 2009, cc. 813, 840.)