§ 51.5-33. Powers and duties.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To advise the Secretary of Health and Human Resources and Governor onissues and problems of interest to persons with disabilities and on suchother matters as either the Secretary or the Governor may request;
2. To submit every three years to the Governor, through the Secretary ofHealth and Human Resources, an assessment of the needs of persons withdisabilities in the Commonwealth, the success in the preceding three years ofthe state agencies in meeting those needs, programmatic and fiscalrecommendations for improving the delivery of services to persons withdisabilities, and an assessment of the triennial economic cost and benefit tothe Commonwealth of the services and rights afforded persons withdisabilities as established in this title;
3. To initiate the development of the plan of cooperation required by §51.5-2;
4. To serve as the State Planning Council for the administration of certainfederal public health and welfare laws as provided in § 6000 of Title 42 ofthe United States Code;
5. To perform all duties and exercise all powers designated by federal lawfor such state planning councils, including the responsibility for planningactivities on behalf of all developmentally disabled persons in theCommonwealth; for receiving, accounting for and disbursing federal funds; fordeveloping and approving the state plan; and for monitoring and evaluatingthe implementation of such plan for the provision of services and facilitiesfor persons with developmental disabilities;
6. To be responsible for obtaining information and data from within theCommonwealth, and from time to time, but not less than annually, to reviewand evaluate the state plan and submit such state plan, and revisionsthereto, to the Governor and to the U.S. Secretary of Health and HumanServices;
7. To appoint and supervise the Director of the Board and prescribe hisduties;
8. To hire such staff and obtain the service of such professional, technical,and clerical personnel necessary to carry out its powers and duties; and
9. To accept gifts and grants on behalf of the Commonwealth, in furtheranceof the purpose of this Board.
(1985, c. 421, § 51.01-33; 1990, c. 458; 1992, c. 627; 1995, c. 34; 2009, c.516.)