§ 52-21. Procedure after arrest without warrant.
Except in the case of a violation of a provision of Title 46.2, in which casethe officer making the arrest shall proceed as provided in § 46.2-936, theofficer making the arrest shall forthwith bring the person so arrested beforean officer authorized to issue criminal warrants in the county or city wherethe arrest is made. The officer before whom such person is brought shallproceed to examine the officer making the arrest. If the officer before whomsuch person is brought has reasonable grounds upon which to believe that acriminal offense has been committed, and that the person arrested hascommitted such offense, he shall issue such a warrant as might have beenissued prior to the arrest of such person under the provisions of § 19.2-72.If such a warrant is issued the case shall thereafter be disposed of in likemanner as though the warrant had been issued prior to the arrest. If such awarrant be not issued the person so arrested shall be released.
(1942, p. 481; Michie Code 1942, § 4827a; 1960, c. 375; 1962, c. 22; 1982, c.35.)