§ 52-34.4. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Media" means print, radio, television, and Internet-based communicationsystems or other methods of communicating information to the public.
"Missing senior adult" means an adult whose whereabouts are unknown and whois over 60 years of age and suffers a cognitive impairment to the extent thathe is unable to provide care to himself without assistance from a caregiver,including a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease or dementia, and whosedisappearance poses a credible threat as determined by a law-enforcementagency to the health and safety of the adult and under such othercircumstances as deemed appropriate by the Virginia State Police.
"Senior alert" means the notice of a missing senior adult provided to thepublic by the media or other methods under a Senior Alert Agreement.
"Senior Alert Agreement" means a voluntary agreement betweenlaw-enforcement officials and members of the media whereby a senior adultwill be declared missing, and the public will be notified by media outlets,and includes all other incidental conditions of the partnership as foundappropriate by the Virginia State Police.
"Senior Alert Program" or "Program" means the procedures and Senior AlertAgreements to aid in the identification and location of a missing senioradult.
(2007, cc. 486, 723.)