§ 52-31.1. Superintendent to establish network.
The Superintendent of State Police shall establish a network to implementreports of the disappearance of children by local law-enforcement agencies tolocal school division superintendents and the State Registrar of VitalRecords. The network shall be designed to establish cooperative arrangementsbetween local law-enforcement agencies and local school divisions concerningreports of missing children, whereby law enforcement shall within 24 hours orthe next business day, notify the principal of the school where the missingchild is or was most recently enrolled and inform the school official of thereport, and notices to law-enforcement agencies of requests for copies of thecumulative records and birth certificates of missing children. Uponnotification of a request for a marked school record or other informationregarding a missing child, the Superintendent shall immediately initiate aninvestigation into the circumstances surrounding the request, including asearch for any record that may exist showing who has legal custody of thechild and for any record that may disclose an allegation of child abuseperpetrated against a member of the child's family. The network shall alsoestablish a mechanism for reporting the identities of all missing children tothe State Registrar of Vital Records.
(1990, c. 295; 2006, c. 295.)