§ 52-33. Powers and duties of Clearinghouse.
The Clearinghouse shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To maintain a centralized file for the exchange of information on missingchildren within the Commonwealth. The Clearinghouse shall accept a missingchild report from any law-enforcement officer as defined in § 9.1-101. Anyparent, guardian, legal custodian or other person standing in loco parentisof a missing child may contact the Clearinghouse to verify the entry of amissing child report on such child. If the Clearinghouse is requested toverify a missing child report which has not been received, the Clearinghouseshall immediately contact the appropriate law-enforcement agency and takesuch measures as may be necessary to determine whether a report should beentered in the centralized file.
2. To maintain a system of intrastate communication to receive informationrelating to the disappearance or sighting of missing children. Such systemshall be available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.
3. To maintain close liaison with the National Crime Information Center andthe National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for the exchange ofinformation on children suspected of interstate travel and for assistance inthe operation of the Clearinghouse.
4. To circulate a monthly bulletin on missing children to the news media, alllaw-enforcement agencies, and every school in the Commonwealth.
5. To provide emergency flyers containing physical and situationaldescriptions of missing children when requested by law-enforcement agencies.
6. To provide for training of public and private organizations regarding theoperation of the Clearinghouse.
7. To provide assistance to law-enforcement agencies in planning andimplementing programs to fingerprint children.
(1985, c. 259.)