§ 53.1-15. Duty of Director in Board investigations; how witness paid.
When an investigation is ordered by the Board concerning any correctionalfacility subject to the Board's jurisdiction or concerning the conduct ofpersons connected therewith, the Director, by order of the Board, may issue asummons directed to the sheriff of the county or city in which suchinstitution is located commanding him to summon any person to be present on acertain day at such place within such county or city as may be designated bythe Board to give evidence before the Board. The Director may administer anoath to such person. The Board shall have like powers to issue a summonsdirected to the sheriff and to direct the sheriff to enforce such summons.
The Director shall make the entry required of the clerk by § 17.1-612concerning the amount any witness is to be paid as if the attendance of thewitness was before a court. The sum to which the witness is entitled shall bepaid out of the funds appropriated to the Department.
(Code 1950, §§ 53-18, 53-19.20; 1970, c. 648; 1974, cc. 44, 45; 1979, c. 700;1982, c. 636.)