§ 53.1-17. Defense of Department of Corrections employees.
If any employee of the Department shall be brought before any regulatory oradministrative body, summoned before any regular or special grand jury, or,arrested, indicted, or prosecuted on any charge arising out of any actcommitted in the discharge of his official duties, the Director may, with theapproval of the Governor, pay in whole or in part, counsel employed by suchemployee to represent him, provided he is neither convicted nor terminatedfrom his employment. Such compensation shall be paid from funds appropriatedto the Department.
(Code 1950, §§ 53-16.1, 53-19.19; 1958, c. 542; 1970, c. 648; 1974, cc. 44,45; 1976, c. 517; 1982, c. 636; 1989, c. 298.)