§ 53.1-220.1. Transfer of prisoners convicted of designated illegal acts.
With the consent of the appropriate state authorities, the Immigration andNaturalization Service may, following notification under § 19.2-294.2, takephysical custody of and responsibility for any alien convicted of any (i)felony offense involving murder, rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, extortion,or abduction, or (ii) illegal drug violation designated as a felony underArticle 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2. The director,sheriff or other official in charge of the facility in which such alien isincarcerated may enter into an agreement, which includes provisions relatingto reimbursement, with the Immigration and Naturalization Service to retaincustody or supervision of such alien until he is deported or until othermutually satisfactory arrangements are made to transfer custody of such aliento the Service.
(1985, c. 247.)